EthOss appoints new distributor for Greek market

EthOss appoints new distributor for Greek market. Dr Ero Pandelia is standing with Ethoss Regeneration Ltd colleagues Alex Holdcroft and Peter Wheeler, surrounded by EthOss marketing backgrounds

EthOss Regeneration Ltd has appointed a new distributor in Greece and Cyprus – Southern Implants - for its pioneering dental product.

The company, based in Silsden West Yorkshire, produces a synthetic material - EthOss® - that encourages new bone growth during dental implant procedures and is available in over 65 countries around the world.

Peter Wheeler, EthOss Managing Director, said: “This is a new era for EthOss in Greece and Cyprus, building on the success of our flagship product since entering the Greek market back in 2016.

“Southern Implants are an established name in the dental industry in Greece and Cyprus and we are delighted to be working with them to add EthOss to their portfolio. We are already planning several events in the Greek market and looking forward to working together to bring our innovation to more dental surgeries and, ultimately, more patients.”

Dr Ero Pandelia, from Southern Implants Greece, said: “We are thrilled to be working with EthOss. The EthOss® brand is increasingly regarded globally as the leading synthetic graft on the market and we are proud to include it in the product range that we offer to clinicians.”

EthOss exports have increased by 42% in the last three years, with exports now accounting for 65% of turnover.

EthOss Regeneration was founded in 2013 by world-renowned dental implantologist Dr Peter Fairbairn and biomaterials expert Dr Paul Harrison.
